How to import ideas?
Go to the imports page
On the top right hand corner of your screen, click on the Profile menu. Go into the Workspace > Imports > New import
Choose your import type
We support two types of imports
- Idea
- Post: You can read more here
Choose a product roadmap
Upload a CSV file
We made an example on Google Sheets, you can Make a copy and add your ideas
Example Ideas on Google Sheets
Please refer to the detail for fields of the CSV file and the types of information that belong in each field below:
- Title: The title of the idea.
- Content: The full text of the idea.
- Topics: The name of the idea topics
- Board: The name of the idea board.
- Status: The status of the idea (draft or publish).
- Vote: The vote on the idea.
- Date: The time of publishing date.
Click Start to upload
Linda Bui
Updated a week ago
1 min read