Date time format

Date time format

We supports the following date time format.

Unit Format Example
Weekdays [EEEE] Monday, Tuesday, …, Sunday
  [E..EEE] Mon, Tue, Wed, …, Sun
Days [DD] 01, 02, …, 30
  [D] 1, 2, …, 30
Months [MMMM] January, February, …, December
  [MMM] Jan, Feb, …, Dec
  [MM] 01, 02, …, 12
  [M] 1, 2, …, 12
  [YYYY] 2019, 2020, 2021
  [YY] 19, 20, 21
Hours [1-12] [hh] 01, 02, …, 11, 12
  [h] 1, 2, …, 11, 12
Hours [0-23] [HH] 01, 02, …, 23
  [H] 1, 2, …, 23
Minutes [mm] 00, 11, …, 58, 59
  [m] 0, 1, …, 58, 59
Seconds [ss] 00, 11, …, 58, 59
  [s] 0, 1, …, 58, 59
AM, PM [aaa] am, pm
  [a..aa] AM, PM
Time ago [ago] 1 second ago, 2 months ago, 3 years ago
Linda Bui
Linda Bui
Updated a week ago 1 min read

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